Guidelines For Reviewer

Reviewer should review and send the review comments within stipulated time. If the article is not is of their area of interest then it should be revert back to the editor so that the other reviewers can be approached with in time frame.

Being a peer reviewed journal the reviewer are expected not to disclose their identity to the authors in any form.

The reviewer can immediately decline to the paper if he/ she find any discrepancies regarding

  1. Technical disqualification or
  2. Conflicts of interest

Reviewers being the base of the whole quality process should ensure that the articles published should be of high quality and original work. He may inform the editor if he finds the article submitted to him for review is under consideration in any other publication to his/her knowledge.

Reviewer will perform the paper review based on the main criteria provided below. In general cases the following may be checked in a review:

  • Structure of the article submitted and its relevance to author guidelines
  • Purpose and Objective of the article
  • Method of using transitions in the article
  • Introduction given and the conclusion/ suggestions provided
  • References provided to substantiate the content
  • Grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • Plagiarism issues
  • Suitability of the article to the need
  • Any conflict of interest that may be detected
  • Knowledge addition to the scientific community
  • Author(s) involvement in preparing the article and their interest shown towards scientific development.


During the peer review process, and report preparation, and after reviewing we expect from our reviewers following:

1. Confidentiality

In order to maintain the integrity of the review process, the reviewers shouldn't discuss the reviewed manuscript with anyone without specific permission from the Chief Editor. The reviewers shouldn’t copy, disseminate, or share information, concerning the manuscript for any purpose (including advancement of their own research). If any clarifications from the author/authors are needed, they should be included into the Comments section of the Referee Report.

2. Objectivity

Reviewers should be objective while conducting reviews. All the comments and recommendations should be supported with relevant arguments.

3. Timeliness

It is necessary to respond to an invitation to peer review within a reasonable time-frame. If the reviewers feel qualified to assess a particular manuscript, they should agree to review within the proposed or mutually agreed time-frame.
The reviews should be completed by the deadline indicated in invitation. If any difficulties arise that may prevent from submitting the Referee Report in time, the reviewers are obliged to contact the Editor immediately.

4. Competing interests

It is important for the reviewer to remain unbiased by considerations related to the nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender and/or other characteristics of the authors, origin of a manuscript or by commercial considerations. The reviewers should not agree to review a manuscript just to gain sight of it with no real intention of submitting a Referee Report.