Anvesha- a biannual multidisciplinary E-Journal is a brain child of Anvesha publication. It gives an opportunity for innovation and new ideas in emerging trends. Anvesha will provide platform to all researches in various subjects to publish original research work. Eminent scholars and leaders of various streams are associated with Anvesha either as a member of editorial board or by providing their valuable suggestions and few of them by becoming a part of advisory board. Since it a multidisciplinary journal, the scope of publication becomes vast and the purpose of Anvesha i.e. to serve the society by flourishing new ideas and innovation in various fields /streams , either it is Science , Social Science or Humanities, will get fulfilled from every aspects .
Anvesha-a Multidisciplinary E-Journal For All Researches
Anvesha Publication is one of the rising sole proprietary firm in publishing sector, located at National Capital Region, Faridabad, Haryana, in India.
The functioning of Anvesha Publication has taken place under the ownership of Mr. Birendra Kumar. view More
Anvesha- a multidisciplinary e- journal for all researches is a bi- annual, bi lingual peer reviewed, referred e-journal run by Anvesha Publication, a sole proprietary firm owned by Mr. Birendra Kumar, under the guidance of eminent group of educationalists. view More
At first stage all submissions are subject to editorial board review. Here all submission has gone through strict plagiarism checking. After passing from plagiarism process, the articles which are found suitable will forward for next stage i.e. double blind peer ...view More
The definition of plagiarism has been defined in Section 2 (k) of UGC Act 1956, the regulation as, “…an act of academic dishonesty and a breach of ethics. It involves using someone else’s work as one’s own. It also includes data plagiarism and self-plagiarism.” view More
The copyright of the research paper held with the authors. And they are transferring the copyright to publish the article and used the article for indexing and storing for public use with due reference to published matter in the name of concerned authors. view More
The journal is freely available online. AMJR adopts the open access policy. This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download... view More